šŸŒžšŸ— Your step-by-step setup guide: Email Templates for alert emails

How to beautify your Workday alerts with logos and images

Read time: 5 minutes

Hey there! Do you hate that Workdayā€™s Notification Designer isnā€™t compatible with alerts yet? If so, youā€™re certainly not alone šŸ˜…. BUTā€¦

Donā€™t let this deter you from utilizing alerts!

(ICYMI, Notification Designer allows you to create image-rich, beautifully formatted emails for business process, benefits, candidate notifications, etc. More to come on this next week).

You actually can add logos and images to your alert email notificationsā€”without HTML. Hereā€™s howā€¦

Create an Email Template.

While Workdayā€™s Notification Designer currently supports just 22 notification types, Email Templates support nearly twice as many:

āš ļø WARNING: If your organization is using alerts without an Email Template, within the next 5 minutes, you may just upgrade alert aesthetics for your entire workforce šŸ˜œ

After reading todayā€™s newsletter, youā€™ll know how to create and deploy an Email Template for your alertsā€¦ so you can say buh-bye šŸ‘‹ to robotic, imageless alert emails while we await Notification Designerā€™s potential expansion.

Before we dive inā€¦ if you missed our last two newsletters on alert setup, check emā€™ out here: 7-step alert setup guide and next-level alert setup tips.

And with that, letā€™s get to it! šŸ˜Ž

Step 1: Create your email template

šŸšØ Remember to complete your setup in a test environment first!

Run the task, ā€œCreate Email Templateā€. Type a name for your Email Template. For ā€œEmail Template Behaviorā€, select ā€œAlert Notification Emailā€.

Use the ā€œ+ā€ button to add a new Content row. The ā€œOrderā€ column is required and will determine in which order your Contents appear. Label these alphabetically, like you would a business process step.

The ā€œStatic Content / Dynamic Contentā€ column determines what Content appears within your alert email. ā€œStatic Contentā€ is always the same, while ā€œDynamic Contentā€ is specific to every notification.

For Static Content, youā€™ve got 4 options:

Static Content can be Text, a URL, an Embedded Image, or an External Image.

  1. Text - Any text you want! This static text will appear in every alert email notification. Note that you can use HTML here (e.g., <br/> for a line break), however, I donā€™t recommend getting too fancy. Keep it simple to ensure your alerts stay polished.

  1. URL - A link, optionally hyperlinked as text provided within the ā€œLabelā€ input:

  1. Embedded Image - Upload an image as an attachment. Optionally, include a link to which the user will be directed if they click on the image:

  1. External Image - Provide the URL at which an image lives. Again, optionally include a link to which the user will be directed if they click on the image:

For Dynamic Content, youā€™ve got 3 options:

Note that your options for Dynamic Content change based on the ā€œEmail Template Behaviorā€ youā€™ve selected for your Email Template.

Dynamic Content for Alert Notification Email Templates can be an Email URL, Links, or the Main Body of your alert.

  1. Email URL - This option includes the hyperlinked text, ā€œClick here to view the notification detailsā€. This link takes the user to view the same notification within Workday.

  1. Links - If you configured an ā€œIncluded Taskā€ within your alert, you can use the Links function to display the task as a hyperlink within your alert email. If there is no Included Task in your alert, the Links Content will be blankā€”no hyperlink will be displayed.

The Task optionally configured within your alert.

The ā€œLinksā€ within the alertā€™s email notification.

  1. Main Body - Every Email Template you create should include a Main Body as a row of Content. This is the dynamic content configured within your alert itself. For example, this alert Body:

ā€¦ set up as the Main Body in your Email Template:

ā€¦ will yield this in your alert email notification šŸ‘‡

Are you seeing how the Email Template Contents translate to the alert email notification?!

If not, hereā€™s a side-by-side to bring it all home (note that this example doesnā€™t include Links Content):

This is an example of how your Email Template will translate to your alert email notification.

Alright! Now that youā€™ve created your Email Template, letā€™s get it up and running šŸš€ā€¦

Step 2: Maintain your email templates

Run the task ā€œMaintain Email Templatesā€. Find the line item ā€œAlert Notification Emailā€ in the ā€œUsed forā€ column and set your new Custom Email Template to ā€œActiveā€.

And thatā€™s it! Your Email Template will now be applied to all of your alert notification emails šŸ„³

Step 3: Test!

Is it even a #wellbuiltworkday guide if we donā€™t tell you to test? šŸ˜œ To quickly test what your layout will look like, Email Templates have a helpful ā€œTestā€ feature:

With this feature, you can send an instant test email to any email address:

This feature is helpful for swift visualization of your Email Template. However, to confirm that any Email URLs and Links are working properly, ensure you test by triggering the alert itself as well (check out step 6 in our 7-step guide for help here).

And there you have it! You have officially upgraded your alert aesthetics while we patiently await the delivery of Notification Designer for alerts šŸ¤©

As always, thank you for reading!

Weā€™re celebrating you and your pursuit of a Well Built Workday šŸ„³ 

Until next time!

Ceci & Mia

Co-Founders of Well Built Solutions

Say hi šŸ‘‹ on LinkedIn ā€” @ceciblomberg, @miaeisenhandler

P.S. When youā€™re ready, hereā€™s how we can helpā€¦

Learn Workday calculated fields: Master calculated fields in Workday once and for all with our free 34-part ā›…ļø Calculated Fields Demystified šŸŒ¤ļø LinkedIn series.

Accomplish your phaseX projects: Crush your organizationā€™s Workday roadmap, get your projects done well, and have fun while you do it!

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